What is L-Ascorbic Acid and how can it benefit our skin?

What is L-Ascorbic Acid and how can it benefit our skin?

Ascorbic Acid is also known as Vitamin C, found in many citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables.  It's also one of the most important antioxidants found in biological fluids which fight off environmental aggressors like smoke and UV exposure which are damaging to the skin. 

Ascorbic Acid promotes collagen, is an anti-inflammatory, blocks harmful UV rays and results in healthy, firm skin.

S20 Youth Serum contains 12% L-Ascrobic acid, acting as the purest form of Vitamin C available, cucumber extracts, glycerin and antioxidants.

This combination results in the following benefits:

*Promotes new collagen

*Evens skin tone

*Soothes & moisturizes

*Maintains firm & youthful skin

*Reduces age spots

*Lessens the effects of environmental aggressors

*Protects against UV radiation


Use alone or drop a few drops in your favorite day creme after cleansing.

This will me your new liquid gold!





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